Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 9, 2011

tau kenapa title nya begitu? haha :'| gue lagi sedih abitch nich cemans
jadi gini loh, gue punya sahabat, namanya Cindy Claudy Geuvine. gue kenal dari facebook, awalnya sih ade gue yg ngasih tau, dan ternyata gue sama dia udah jadi friend di facebok. dia anaknya asih abissss, gokil2 gitu, gue aja langsung akrab sama dia pas pertama kali kenal. gela kan boo!!!!!

tapi seriusan yaw gue nangis kejer2 pas inget kalo dia bakalan pindah ke US. sebenernya sih rencananya dia baru pindah ke US ntar abis kelulusan SMP T_T tapi kenapa jadi di majuin gini gue juga gatau. tadinya dia bakalan pergi tanggal 2 September, tapi mungkin karna itu jadi mendadak makanya diundur jadi tanggal 9 September.

gue nangis kejer2 parah abis sampe sesek nafas, gabisa ngmng, bangun aja tuh gakuat saking seseknya nafas gue, dan kejernya nangis gue. sampe2 ya status facebook gue galau dan lebay abis heheheh.

It'll happen, she'll gone. I cudnt stop her, that's her way to gets a success life there (╥﹏╥) God, I just wanna meet Cindy for the last tym bfr she goes to US. Can I? I remember all those things I did with her, from the first tym I know her. Shock and speechless! September 9 2011, come late please.

God, it happened. Thanks :') I met her for the last tym. Cindy Claudy Geuvine, thanks so much for today :') I'm gonna miss u Ncau. Take care (╥﹏╥)

God, my tym will over. 9 was comes faster, that's not what I want. Tomorrow will still come, I cudnt stop it! Safe her there, I love her. She's the great bestfriend ever I had. Although I just met her from this site. Thanks for that last tym, September 3rd 2011, I won't forget that day. That's my last day wif her. Thanks God. Take her care!


Monday, September 5, 2011

last time I met her :')

hey guys. September 3 2011. why? yap thats farewell with my best friend, Cindy Claudy Geuvine. she'll goes to US on September 9 2011 hmmm feel sooooo sad

I spent my last tym with here here, at Mall Taman Anggrek